Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 23rd by Marc

Here we are doing consept board WHAT no Mrs.Hoehne

We were doing our warm-up  there is Mrs.Hoehne

Here we are doing fluecy board. What does Mrs.Hoehne have on her lap?

That's a DINOSAUR BONE where did she find it?

What were we doing there? Oooo we were doing reading

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22nd by Hailey

test time no peeking!

voucab time!

are acrostic name poster!

another test .aww

birthday snacks1

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 17th by Olivia

this is our morning meeting First, we  great each other then, we practice blending.

this is when we did math rotations we were playing chopper
this is our poem it is called trick or treat I made it big so you can read it yaaa! I mean boooooooo!       yea.
this is when we were doing the warm up this is what we do every day first
this when we did math descusions umm... where are the numbers on that number line???

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17 by Zoe

centers we did all sores of thing.

more and more of centers

wait NO recess

my teacher said it is rianing

we did math posters

we are bing to funing to the teacher

and we did math

Friday, October 12, 2012


THIS   is when   we were finishing  the story the keeping quilt it is a good story

This is when  we were  doing somthing on the story  about the quilt

This is when   ZOE  and what's her name well I don't her name but they were reading

this is when  Colman   whas doing accelerated math  HEY IM NOT CHETING STOPIT

THIS is when we were doing vocab[ Kevin realy likes it mabye he might get a 100 because he is paing atenshon

Thursday, October 11, 2012

october 10 by Cora!!!:]

Once long ago [ yesterday] we were doing poetry. Our poem was called PUMPKIN. I like it.
Ok on accident I took 2 pictures of pumpkin. Sorry!
Reading!!! I LOVE TO READ!!! Were reading The Keeping Quilt. It's about Russian and Jewish Culture.
Now were watching a movie about Christopher Columbus. Wait, no popcorn?!?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Welcome to our class blog! I'm so excited for you to join us on this adventure as we "travel" through 3rd grade!